• Mark Oshman


    Bio Coming Soon!

  • Rick Eisenberg


    I grew up in Southern California in a little town called Seal Beach. I was raised in a cult called the Unification Church (Moonies), but by God's grace they had a poor children's ministry, so most of my childhood memories are surfing with my brother and eating In-N-Out burger! Early on, my god became the game of baseball until one day in college I suffered an injury that left me questioning everything. Feeling unsatisfied after reading a couple self-help books, I quickly realized that the party scene wasn't going to give me any answers to my problems. By God's sovereign providence, I walked into a church and heard the gospel for the first time in my life. In that moment the gospel was the power of God for salvation. I ended up playing baseball for the University of Oklahoma (Boomer-Sooner) where I graduated with a degree in Multidisciplinary Studies. After graduating from OU, I came back to California to coach baseball. In 2014 God brought me to Parker where I have served as the Chaplain and Hitting Coordinator for Gameday Baseball, a non-profit baseball academy in Parker. All the while I began my journey in Seminary while doing ministry in Parker. While I was earning an MTS at Midwestern Seminary, I started dating my soon to be wife Hollie as she was working on her MA in Biblical Counseling from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky (we were set up)! And after some long-distance dating, have been married since 2017 and have three wonderful kids, Eden, Shiloh, and Joseph. I am currently in the dissertation portion of my D.Min at Denver Seminary and I am the Director of Redemption Institute. I love surfing, hiking 14er’s, and having fun with my wife and kids. I am excited to see what God will continue to do here at Redemption Parker.

  • Brad Dugas


    Bio Coming Soon!

  • Ryan Nuu


    Born in Bakersfield, California, affectionately dubbed the “armpit” of the state, we relocated to Colorado in 1997 for my dad’s job with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Growing up in a Christian home centered on Jesus and athletics, my identity became entwined with sports, relegating my faith to a mere accessory. However, like many athletes, my journey on the field came to an end in college, leading to a search for meaning. This period of wrestling compelled me to reassess my priorities and confront my arrogant attitude toward God. I had, as CS Lewis described, placed myself on the bench, with God in the Dock, assuming the role of judge. Through the prayers of the saints and the patient shepherding of my brother-in-law, who was also my pastor, the Lord graciously softened my hardened heart. In that season of renewal, echoing Job’s words, “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore, I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:5-6), I surrendered to God’s transformative power. Since then, as Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “My desire is to become who I already am in Christ.” I married my high school sweetheart, Kenna, in August of 2013, and graduated from the University of Colorado. Currently, I assist families in stewarding their finances while Kenna and I embrace our role as ambassadors of Christ to our four children. In our imperfect journey, God continually sanctifies us, revealing His strength in our weakness. In 2021, my family joined Redemption Parker, finding a home where we eagerly anticipate God’s work, not only in our local community, but also across the nations. My deepest desire is to see our church enjoy Jesus.

OUR STAFF & Leadership

  • Mark Oshman - Lead Pastor


    Bio Coming Soon!



    I grew up in Southern California in a little town called Seal Beach. I was raised in a cult called the Unification Church (Moonies), but by God's grace they had a poor children's ministry, so most of my childhood memories are surfing with my brother and eating In-N-Out burger! Early on, my god became the game of baseball until one day in college I suffered an injury that left me questioning everything. Feeling unsatisfied after reading a couple self-help books, I quickly realized that the party scene wasn't going to give me any answers to my problems. By God's sovereign providence, I walked into a church and heard the gospel for the first time in my life. In that moment the gospel was the power of God for salvation. I ended up playing baseball for the University of Oklahoma (Boomer-Sooner) where I graduated with a degree in Multidisciplinary Studies. After graduating from OU, I came back to California to coach baseball. In 2014 God brought me to Parker where I have served as the Chaplain and Hitting Coordinator for Gameday Baseball, a non-profit baseball academy in Parker. All the while I began my journey in Seminary while doing ministry in Parker. While I was earning an MTS at Midwestern Seminary, I started dating my soon to be wife Hollie as she was working on her MA in Biblical Counseling from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky (we were set up)! And after some long-distance dating, have been married since 2017 and have three wonderful kids, Eden, Shiloh, and Joseph. I am currently in the dissertation portion of my D.Min at Denver Seminary and I am the Director of Redemption Institute. I love surfing, hiking 14er’s, and having fun with my wife and kids. I am excited to see what God will continue to do here at Redemption Parker.

  • Will Blundel - ASSOCIATE PASTOR


    I grew up in a small village ten miles north of Brighton, about seventy-five miles south of London, UK. I have two brothers and a sister. I grew up in a Christian home but in a secular environment where belief in God was often ridiculed. As a child I mostly disliked being at church and mostly opted out. While immersed in the party scene in Brighton, my parents joined a local church plant, which my dad encouraged me to investigate. Gradually I noticed things such as the love that Christians had for one another and outsiders. I also discovered that Christianity was not just about rule following and an irrational belief in God. It was based on faith and reason. One morning I heard the gospel from a guest speaker at church, the gospel came alive to me in that moment by the power of the Spirit. Later, I went to the University of York to study Archaeology, where I became involved in college ministry. After college I briefly worked in recruitment before embarking on a career in accounting. Several years later, I completed the Master of Divinity at Denver Seminary, a post college dream of mine. I am excited about the church, theology, evangelism, and enjoy talking about almost anything!



    I moved to Colorado in 2017 when my wife, MaKayla, and I decided to embark on a new adventure! We were originally from Minneapolis, and decided to make the leap knowing about 2 people in the place we were moving to! My passion for Youth Ministry started when I was middle school age. Though I grew up in a Christian household, and attended a Christian school, I would say that my church Youth Ministry and the connections I had there is what had the largest impact on my walk with Christ as a kid. I still keep in touch with one of my high school youth leaders! With that in mind, I have since had a continued passion for Youth Ministry, and was previously involved in a number of youth leadership roles in MN, primarily as a Tennis Coach for a local Christian High School, while volunteering as a Youth Leader at my prior church. In my free time, you will find me running around with my kids, Millie and Benny, playing any sport with a racket/paddle, or playing video games. If I you have any questions about our Youth Ministry, or how to get involved, reach out anytime! I would love to connect!



    I am a native of Denver, Colorado and married my husband Mark at the scandalously young age of 20. After the honeymoon, finishing school, and seminary, we served with Cadence International as missionaries in Okinawa, Japan. There we ministered to American service members and their families. One decade and four daughters later, we transitioned from Asia to Europe. There we served with Pioneers International as church planters in the Czech Republic, where the Evangelical Christian population numbers less than 0.5%. In 2015, we were unexpectedly called off the mission field to care for my dad who suffers from Alzheimer’s and Dementia. We now reside in Parker where we have planted Redemption Parker with the team of dear friends and amazing leaders you see here on this website. In addition to RP, Mark and I remain on staff in a supporting role with Pioneers International. Outside of missions in Europe and church planting in Parker, I homeschool my daughters and write at jenoshman.com. I am especially passionate about encouraging women in deepening their faith and growing a Biblical worldview.

  • Kenna Nuu - Children’S MINISTRY DIRECTOR


    I was 7 years old the first time I begged my mom to let me serve with her in the church nursery. Even as a child myself, I loved little children. As I have grown older, I have come to understand why. The littlest image-bearers in our midst are very beloved to their Creator as well. “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). What a joy and privilege to partner with parents to serve these “little children” at Redemption Parker! By God’s beautiful design, He has authored my story to be filled with opportunities to teach and serve children. Prior to having children myself, I worked as a special education teacher. My husband, Ryan, and I now have 3 children of our own, and God continues to teach me much about His character through the simplicity, humility, and faith of children. I am beginning the homeschool journey and have been graciously mentored in the philosophy of Charlotte Mason. In her words, I hope to use my role to “present the idea of God” and “implant a love of the word of God”’ in the souls of these children, in order that “God might become their exceeding joy!” Outside of caring for our family and teaching our children, I enjoy reading, having deep conversations with friends, delighting in God’s creation, hiking/biking/running, learning new skills, and adventuring with my family.

  • Christina Caldwell - Children’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR


    I grew up in a small town in beautiful Northern New Mexico. I received a double master’s degree in Social Work and Public Health and worked as a hospice social worker before having my children. God slowly worked in my heart through my twin sister who diligently prayed for my soul and sent me Bibles, encouraging me to pursue a life in Christ. At her encouragement, I attended a Bible believing church that quickly became like family to me. I surrendered my life to Jesus and was baptized at 27 years old. I’ll never forget that feeling of rising up out of the water, a new creation, holy and beloved. My days of searching for a “home” were over. Because of my redemption story, I fully believe that church should feel like family and God should feel like home. I believe that God calls us to a life of discipleship and in my current season, he’s given me children – my own and the children in the church. I am so thankful to God for sovereignly bringing our family to Redemption Parker and for the gift of walking alongside the children and their families as we faithfully disciple them to know the joy and fullness of trusting and loving Jesus. My husband, Josh, is a former missionary and currently works as a nurse at the VA hospital. Together we have two kids and we’re involved in the Safe Families ministry. My favorite things are being outdoors with my friends and family, warm drinks, good books, and all things cozy.



    I am a Colorado native who grew up in a home filled with music. Singing, worship, and playing instruments was a huge part of our family culture. I got involved in church music when I was 11 years old and have been leading worship for over 10 years. Worship is a passion I’ve grown into as God has continually opened doors and given me a love for his church and shown me the immeasurable spiritual value of singing together. My husband and our family have been blessed to call Redemption Parker home since 2019. When I’m not homeschooling my 4 children I’m probably reading, baking sourdough bread, or chatting with friends about one of my passions. I’m thrilled and honored to lead worship for our RP faith family.



    I've felt called to and have been involved in ministry in some capacity since I was 16. God has put the city of Boulder on my heart, and I am so excited to be here as the church planting resident. I enjoy reading, chess, playing guitar, and watercolor when I'm not working. I am really excited to get to know you and worship with you this year!

  • Jaimie Mattoon - Administrative Support


    I was born and raised in WI! I came to CO in 2007 to pursue a college education at the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley. I was involved in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as a student leader and eventually continued as staff in Panama doing college ministry before getting married. Although I was raised in a Christian home, I experienced the most growth and opportunities to serve alongside other believers during those college years. I was stretched to go beyond just faith in Jesus, but also obeying His commands, listening to His Spirit and telling others about Him and being persistent in inviting others in. It is exciting to continue hospitality and show the love of Jesus with my husband, Kenton and my three children, Julian, Landon and Kelsa. We love serving alongside RP and I am so grateful to be on staff as well! I love the outdoors, hiking, biking, walking, playing volleyball, playing guitar, singing and board games! I have recently enjoyed learning watercolor and going on camping trips around CO.



    I grew up in a Christian home and started following Jesus when I was 12 years old. I married my husband Brad when I was 20 years old and we have 5 children (three teenage sons, and two young daughters). We have moved a ridiculous amount of times in our 21 year marriage (mostly in Arizona), but God has been faithful to provide a great church, opportunities for discipleship and amazing Christian community everywhere we have lived. When we landed in Parker CO in 2015, we did not have it in our minds to plant a church, and we didn’t even know the Oshmans yet! But God’s plans are so much better than anything we could imagine! Co-planting RP with the Oshmans has been a life-giving, sanctifying work, and I am so thankful God has brought us here! Brad and I both feel very passionate about practical theology - and love to help disciple people so that they can practically apply God’s truths in their everyday lives. We lead a Gospel Community, I am involved in leading the Women's Ministry, and I coordinate CORE groups, which are small groups meant for mutual discipleship. In my everyday life I am usually homeschooling my kids, doing some kind of DIY home renovation, or opening up our home for hospitality to friends, neighbors, and church members. My hobbies include gardening, carpentry, and anything that allows me to build or create things. I love it when I can use these hobbies to get to know someone new or serve the community in some way.