We partner with parents to make disciples of their children for the glory of God and the joy of all people.
We firmly believe that Scripture is clear in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 that the chief responsibility and joy of parents is to raise up their children in a home that loves the Lord with all their heart, soul, and might. Kids ministry at RP exists to partner with parents to help them accomplish this great task in several ways.
We provide safe spaces for children to learn and grow apart from their parents during our services.
We partner with parents to teach the word of God diligently to their children and gently prepare them to enter the long-standing liturgies of the church.
We seek to equip parents to talk about the words of God with their children throughout the week.
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Sunday Morning
We currently offer a variety of classrooms for Infants 6 months old through children up to 11 years old. Check-in with your children in the main lobby at the start of each service and pick them up after you participate in communion. There will always be a volunteer to assist you. Below are the classes we currently offer during our Sunday morning services.
CLASSROOM 1 | 0 - 17 mos
CLASSROOM 2 | 18mos - 2 yo
CLASSROOM 3 | 3 - 4 yo
CLASSROOM 4 | 5 yo - 1st Grade
CLASSROOM 5 | 2nd Grade - 5th Grade
CLASSROOM 1 | 0 - 2 yo
CLASSROOM 2 | 3 - 4 yo
CLASSROOM 3 | 5 yo - 1st Grade
CLASSROOM 4 | 2nd Grade - 5th Grade
Our Kids Ministry program utilizes A Sure Foundation curriculum, published by Truth78. This curriculum believes (as do we) that the best foundation for our littlest image bearers is the sure foundation of Jesus Christ. Everything else will crumble. Therefore, in our kids ministry, we seek to provide a godly atmosphere that spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus. We view our Babies (0-17 mos classroom) as the very beginning stages of leading a child to Jesus, and we seek to accomplish this through prayer. We aim to create an environment centered on praying for and blessing each child entrusted to us for the service hour.
When your child moves up to our Younger Toddler (18 mos-2 years old classroom), we aim to continue creating an environment centered on prayer and blessing, but we also add scripture memory, a Bible story, and worship songs. Our goal is to present great truths about God in very simple words through the telling of key Bible stories that we repeat over and over.
When your child moves up to our Older Toddler (3-4 year old classroom), we teach Bible stories using The Big Picture Story Bible, sing hymns and worship songs, memorize scripture from Truth78 Fighter Verses for children, and rehearse the truths of God's Word.
When your child moves up to our 5 year old to 1st Grade classroom, we continue utilizing a curriculum published by Truth78. We add a time to teach children catechism, to learn to pray, scripture memory, a Bible story, and worship songs (introduce hymns).
For our 2nd to 5th Grade classroom, we have created our own curriculum with the goal in mind of gently preparing children to participate in the liturgies of the church. We sing a hymn together, work through catechism, we recite beautiful and useful things (like the Books of the Bible and the Apostle’s Creed), we teach a Bible lesson which is made up of reading, narrating, and discussing a passage from Scripture, we introduce and pray for an unreached people group, and finally we memorize Scripture.
To fulfill our commitment found in our mission statement of seeking to equip parents to talk about the words of God with their children throughout the week, we send out monthly emails to parents in our classrooms with information about what your child heard during their time with us and ideas for following up with them in your own discipling efforts at home.
Special Needs
If you have a child with special needs, we would love to learn how we can best support your family on Sunday mornings. Please fill out the intake form below and our Kid’s Ministry Director will be in touch with you soon.
*The questions on this form allow us to provide the best experience and safest environment for all of our friends within the ministry. Our church leaders and ministry volunteers will respect your family’s right to privacy. Any information shared is communicated directly with those caring for your family member and only on a “need to know” basis.
Click on the link below and access the family resources provided by Redemption Parker.
For more information about our Kid’s Ministry, please contact Kenna Nuu.